A Short Break

I have been unable to make any new posts or updates because I recently (a week and a half ago) moved to Thailand. The move has been crazy, but good. Right now we are in Cambodia trying to get our non-immigrant visas, which is taking about four days. We have done a lot of traveling, shopping, and adjusting. It is especially difficult for us because we have a 14 month old. Helping her adjust while we adjust at the same time is more difficult than the other times we have been to a country. However, she is now doing much better and her sleeping is getting back to normal after coming to a place that is 14 hours difference.

I desire to keep blogging about the tough questions, but I am not sure when I will be able to start again. The next few weeks will be preparation for school (I am teaching 4th grade at an international school in Thailand). So you can be in prayer that God will help us learn culture and language quickly and that the Thai people will be open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thanks for you understanding and hope to be back soon!



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2 responses to “A Short Break

  1. Youssef

    Hi Daniel
    We are praying for you!
    So nice to meet you
    Youssef and Jaime

    • reasonableanswers

      Thank you very much. We need the prayer so that we can do all in the power of God through the Holy Spirit. It was great meeting you too. Please feel free to read my posts and give feedback.

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